
In today’s world it would be hard to find someone who hasn’t heard of android. Do you have a killer app idea that you think is going to change the world? With around 2 billion monthly users worldwide it is an interesting and one of the major platform to develop apps for.In this course you are going to learn the basics of developing apps for android. We will help you through each steps, right from setting up to publishing your app to the play store. The initial sections will guide you with resources on UI, look and feel of your apps and the later ones would be more about the core stuff. So if you’re ready to explore the wonderful world of android, let’s begin!

Course Syllabus

1) Introduction To Mobile Apps

I. Why we Need Mobile Apps
II. Different Kinds of Mobile Apps
III. Briefly about Android

2) Introduction Android

I. History Behind Android Development
II. What is Android?
III. Pre-requisites to learn Android
IV. Brief Discussion on Java Programming

3) Android Architecture

I. Overview of Android Stack
II. Android Features
III. Introduction to OS layers

4) Deep Overview in Android Stack

I. Linux Kernel
II. Libraries
III. Android Runtime
IV. Application Framework
V. Dalvik VM

5) Installing Android Machine

I. Configuring Android Stack
II. Setting up Android Studio
III. Working with Android Studio
IV. Using Older Android Tools

6) Creating First Android Application

I. Creating Android Project
II. Debugging Application through DDMS
III. setting up environment
IV. AVD Creation
V. Executing Project on Android Screen

7) Android Components

I. Activities
II. Services
III. Broadcast Receivers
IV. Content Providers

8) Hello World App

I. Creating your first project
II. The manifest file
III. Layout resource
IV. Running your app on Emulator

9) Building UI with Activities

I. Activities
II. Views, layouts and Common UI components
III. Creating UI through code and XML
IV. Activity lifecycle
V. Intents
VI. Communicating data among Activities

10) Advanced UI

I. Selection components (GridView, ListView, Spinner )
II. Adapters, Custom Adapters
III. Complex UI components
IV. Building UI for performance
V. Menus
VI. Creating custom and compound Views

11) Notifications

I. Toast, Custom Toast
II. Dialogs
III. Status bar Notifications

12) Multithreading

I. Using Java Mutithreading classes
II. AsyncTask
III. Handler
IV. Post
V. Writing an animated game

13) Styles And Themes

I. Creating and Applying simple Style
II. Inheriting built-in Style and User defined style
III. Using Styles as themes

14) Resources and Assets

I. Android Resource
II. Using resources in XML and code
III. Localization
IV. Handling Runtime configuration changes

15) Intent, Intent Filters and Broadcast Receivers

I. Role of filters
II. Intent-matching rules
III. Filters in your manifest
IV. Filters in dynamic Broadcast Receivers
V. Creating Broadcast receiver

Key Features

In this course the students will gain enough knowledge to create and publish their own Apps for Google Android devices as well as ability to learn advanced topics through self study methods we will teach them. All students will be provided CDs containing software, project source code, as well as certificates for attending the course

Trainer Profile



  • ₹1899
  • Course Name Android
  • Duration 6Months
  • Language English