Terms and conditions

Acceptance of this Agreement By clicking on the 'SIGNUP' option, the participant ("You" or "Your") agrees to the Terms and Conditions, obligations, representations, warranties, and agreements contained herein (the "Agreement"). In the event, You are not willing to accept the Agreement, You shall not be authorized or allowed to proceed further to view or use in any manner any content, information, courseware, products and services ("Services") published,available or provided on www.newtechclasses.com (the "Website"), which is owned, maintained and monitored by Newtech Classes ("Us", "We" or "Our").

Content and Courseware

As a part of our Services offered through our Website, We shall grant you access to our content, courseware, practice tests, and other information, documents, and data which may be in audio, video, written, graphic, recorded, photographic, or any machine-readable format in relation to the specific certification training course You have registered for ("Content and Courseware").

We reserve the right to amend, revise or update the Content and Courseware offered to You. In the event such an amendment, revision or updation occurs, We may require you pay an additional fee to access such amended, revised, or updated Content and Courseware.

Free Access

The selected courses of free access (hereinafter the “Courses”) are brought to you by Newtech Classes Your access to the said Courses is limited to the extent of self-learning videos and course resources only. Nothing herein shall at any time be construed to mean unhindered or unconditional access to all the features of the said Courses, as may be available upon purchase of the respective Courses.

Your free access to these courses shall be limited to such respective number of days, as may be notified against each Course on the date of your enrollment, and shall be revoked at the instance of expiry of the respective number of days. However, Newtech Classes. its sole option reserves the right to revoke or extend your free access to all contents made available to you at any early instance under the free access without any notice or liability.

Upon your enrollment to these free courses, no license is deemed to be granted to you for further sale or to utilize the materials for any reuse, reproduction, re-publication for commercial/non-commercial purposes.

All regular features of the Courses, including exam vouchers and certifications, but not limited to them, shall be available upon a full value complete purchase of the respective Courses only. Upon such full value complete purchase of any of these Courses, your balance of the free access days shall be added onto the number of days that may be generally applicable to the respective Courses.

The above terms shall be read along with Newtech Classes Terms of Use and in the event of any conflicts, the ones stated here shall prevail, but to the extent of the said free access Courses only.

Please also read our Privacy Policy carefully. Newtech Classes reserves all other rights, ‘ingress’ & ‘egress’ with respect to the free access, and may extend or forfeit the tenure of this offer at any time.