
We’ll introduce you to HTML, the standard markup language used to create webpages, and COURSE SYLLABUS you’ll dive in and hand code a webpage from scratch. This 3-hour class is essentially the first section of our more comprehensive Web Development Level 1 class.

Course Syllabus


Module 1: Web Programming Introduction

  • Architecture of a website
  • Different technologies in making the website
  • Web Development Introduction

Module 2: HTML-Introduction

  • History of HTML
  • What you need to do to get going and make your first HTML page
  • What are HTML Tags and Attributes?
  • HTML Tag vs. Element
  • HTML Attributes

Module 3: HTML-Basic Formatting Tags

  • HTML Basic Tags
  • HTML Formatting Tags
  • HTML Color Coding

Module 4: HTML-Grouping Using Div Span

  • Div and Span Tags for Grouping

Module 5: HTML-Lists

  • Unordered Lists
  • Ordered Lists
  • Definition list

Module 6: HTML-Images

  • Image and Image Mapping

Module 7: HTML-Hyperlink

  • URL - Uniform Resource Locator
  • URL Encoding

Module 8: HTML-Table

  • < table >
  • < th >
  • < tr >
  • < td >
  • < caption >
  • < thead >
  • < tbody >
  • < tfoot >
  • < colgroup >
  • < col >

Module 9: HTML-Iframe

  • Using Iframe as the Target

Module 10: HTML-Form

  • < input >
  • < textarea >
  • < button >
  • < select >
  • < label >

Module 11: HTML-Headers

  • Title
  • Base
  • Link
  • Styles
  • Script
  • Meta

Module 12: HTML-Miscellaneous

  • HTML Meta Tag
  • HTML Deprecated Tags & Attributes

Key Features

HTML go hand in hand for developing flexible, attractive, and user-friendly websites. HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is used to show content on the page . HTML describes the structure of a Website semantically along with presentation cues, making it a mark-up language, rather than a programming language. HTML allows images and objects to be embedded and can be used to create interactive forms.

Trainer Profile



  • ₹4999
  • Course Name HTML
  • Duration 3 mnth
  • Language English